Abraham Ghiwot

As we study the Holy Scriptures, we feel the need to learn as much as possible about those persons and events about which the inspired authors told, in order to pay tribute to their virtues and understand what significance all this can have for our time. The life and work of Patriarch Abraham, for example, took place in the pagan world, the way of which was significantly different from ours. By discovering this world, archeology allows one to appreciate and marvel at the great faith of the patriarch. The Bible does not go into the details of the lives of the people it tells about, does not describe the conditions in which they lived: it only talks about what serves a holy purpose and the plan of Divine economy in relation to our salvation. Archaeological research significantly complements the picture of the then world. In addition, biblical archeology helps in the translation and interpretation of many difficult passages of Scripture for our understanding. Often, one word or one phrase in a language or dialect similar to Hebrew clarifies a similar word in the Old Testament. T Abraham Ghiwot he main thing, however, is that biblical archeology confirms the historicity, accuracy and truthfulness of the information about various persons, peoples and events that inspired authors tell us. Thanks to archaeological finds, social, religious, historical aspects in the fate of the peoples of the Middle East can be understood much better today. Thus, biblical archeology, while providing compelling evidence, is a powerful apologetic weapon in defending the integrity of Scripture. Due to archaeological finds, some critics of the Holy Scriptures either become completely silent or become more circumspect in their conclusions. Among them there are even those who have changed not only their point of view, but also their way of life: they have become believing Christians and ardent defenders of the authenticity of Holy Scripture. The most striking example of this is the fate of the Englishman William Ramsay1 - a man completely changed by archaeological research. Sir William Ramsay went to Asia Minor to prove that everything that the Evangelist Luke says in his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles is unreliable: it was Sir Ramsay who was inspired by his skeptical teachers. Ramsay wanted to demonstrate the truth of such theories through archeology. He began excavations in Greece and Asia Minor and tried to check everything, for which he comprehensively examined his findings. To his great surprise, the scientist discovered that the Holy Scriptures proved to be reliable even in their smallest details! This fact made such a strong impression on Ramsey that he became a zealous Christian, and later - a great biblical scholar. His writings, proving the historicity of the New Testament, are considered classic and unique. Unfortunately, even in our time there are teachers who, knowing nothing about the latest archaeological finds related to the Holy Scriptures, still repeat what the school of "negative criticism" asserted thirty years ago. Dr. William F. Albright, a professor at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA), one of the most famous biblical archaeologists, writes about them: “The excessive skepticism that the authoritative historical schools of the 18th and 19th centuries showed towards Scripture is becoming obsolete. Continuous discoveries have confirmed the reliability of countless details, and thus widespread recognition of the value of Scripture as a historical source has been achieved. ”2 Elsewhere, he says,“ There is no doubt that archeology has confirmed the historicity of the Old Testament tradition. ” 3 In April 1984, Jerusalem hosted the first International Congress of Biblical Archeology, which was attended by more than 1,200 people, including over 500 renowned contemporary archaeologists from more than sixteen countries. At this congress, scientists-archaeologists - Christians, Jews, people who do not adhere to any faith - stated that, based on the results of detailed and numerous studies, they made the following conclusions: 1) Holy Scripture and archeology are consistent with each other; 2) the data of scientific archeology are always close to the information of the Holy Scriptures; 3) the more the volume of our knowledge increases and the more archaeological finds appear, the more confirmation of the truth of the word of God appears. It is characteristic that the congress participants unanimously and confidently declared that the repo https://jiji.com.et/sellerpage-26035


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