Online Marketing Sales Associate

Owners of online stores, regardless of their size and volume of sales, and especially novice online sellers, often face "growth problems." It will be useful for a business leader to know what tasks and what forces need to be solved in order to ensure his stable work, constant development, and to understand when it is time to look for new employees for help. There is a certain algorithm that will help you decide if you need to hire employees or if it can wait for now. Most likely, you will need to combine both options. For some purposes, it will be really more convenient to hire a third-party company, and some tasks should be entrusted to a specially hired employee. Each business is unique, so before hiring employees or outsourcing tasks, you should understand the business processes that ensure its functioning. Having built a clear chain of actions, starting from attracting buyers and ending with the registration of returns, you will immediately understand which specialists and in what quantity you need. As a rule, this is done by the direct owner of the st Online Marketing Sales Associate ore or a hired manager. Responsibilities: the manager's responsibilities include organizing business processes, as well as developing the store. He is responsible for planning the work of all employees or departments of the store and monitors the results of the work. And naturally the manager is responsible for the final financial result. Requirements: in most cases, the director must have a higher education, preferably in the field of management or economics. Ideally, he should have experience in running a business or online store and knowledge of the basics of marketing. These specialists have experience in financial planning, as well as setting tasks for subordinates. In addition to the above requirements, he must have up-to-date knowledge about the specifics of the sales market and the main competitors. He should also have experience in increasing sales. Remember that the higher the level of requirements for a specialist, the higher the salary he will need to pay. Keeping financial records is a very responsible business. An employee can work in an office or outsource, if the volume of documents is not very large. Responsibilities: first of all, the accountant must help determine the taxation system in order to reduce the cost of taxes and other costs. He must also keep a timely record of all accounting documents, expenses and income and report to the tax office on time. The duties of an accountant may include drawing up invoices, calculating salaries for employees, and conducting transactions through the cashier. Requirements: an accountant working with online stores must thoroughly know the features of accounting, personnel records and taxation. It is necessary to constantly monitor changes in legislation so that the store operates absolutely legally and does not fall under penalties. In addition, the accountant must have a good command of a PC and be able to work in specialized accounting programs. At first, the owner of the store can deal with the purchase of goods. Later, when the business begins to expand and it becomes necessary to constantly look for new suppliers, this work can be entrusted to the purchasing manager, category manager or sales managers. Responsibilities: the main responsibilities of the manager are the timely replenishment of goods, selection of suppliers with the most favorable prices and terms of delivery, as well as negotiating with them. In addition, the employee monitors the delivery of goods, controls the quality of purchased products and prepares accompanying documents. Requirements: the employee must have a higher education, be able to work with large amounts of information and know the basic principles of logistics. The ability to negotiate is also important, since the terms of the transaction often depend on this. A competent specialist must understand pricing and be able to work with contracts. Sometimes an employee may be required to know a foreign language in order to purchase goods from foreign suppliers. This can be done by a sales manager, a purchasing manager, or a category manager. Responsibilities: the employee is responsible for controlling the remainder of the goods and ordering a new batch on time. The manager should monitor whether obligations to the supplier have been fulfilled and resolve conflicts if necessary.


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